
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Last Night and The First Day

“I At 14 Girl At Back Alley Looted Of Dignity Snailed Up Naked On Wet Floor Screaming HELP Calling Courage, To END Disgust I Feel World Had MERRY New Year All His Hands Touched Screams DISGUST Holding Glass  I Write This With bood On Body With Black Fingerprints Of Devil O LORD FREE MEE can't stand the icy body can't stand to call help feels hard to see feels ransacked my soul is killed please...let me free… let me free…” On 1st January, a body was found covered with dried blood. With a sharp glass shard in her open throat. And a poem written over her thighs. Last night she was a warm beautiful innocent girl, and this morning all I see is a lifeless cold piece of flesh. A.V