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Dear Stranger

 Dear Stranger, AITS is around the corner,  have you studied? don't worry and fry your brain... rest for a while to figure out where you Stand. Take a while to rest, Try and Fall in Love with studies. and Live. A.V

It's October Again

October arrives like a quiet whisper,  a month of festivals wrapped in an electric atmosphere that propels you forward.  The air grows crisp, while the soft touch of  the sun feels like a gift like the first sip of  warm adrak chai after a weary day. It carries a strange calm, restless yet serene,  as the daylight shortens and a sense of quiet transformation lingers in the air.  As dusk falls, the sounds of bells and hymns echo,  mingling with the comforting aroma of  soul-nourishing food drifting from every corner. In October, the soul stirs with a peaceful energy,  carried by the gentle waves of change.  The air, the atmosphere both invite you to rise  from the frozen depths of your mind,  moving toward something warmer,  something more alive. A.V

A Friend He Was

We tried for something deep, But there's friction in our tone, I see envy in his eyes, Though it's something never shown. I search for mirrors in the crowd, A soul that fits with mine, But all I find is gossipers, Fanning flames with every line. Intuition pulls me back, Yet reasons stay unclear, There's something in the way he speaks, That fills my mind with fear. His laughter rings in empty tones, A mask he wears too well, His past reveals a boy of pain, With stories he won't tell. If nothing shifts, I think I'll go, Keep distance where I can, Sever ties, and let it be, No space for such a man. Not every bond is meant to last, Some things just slip away, I'll Charish the memories,  I'll find a friend who speaks of peace. A.V

Dear Stranger

  Dear stranger, How's life for you? I guess its not that lovely for you…. Burdened under pressure of exams and studies, do you take time to relax? Do you Stop for a while to reflect? Do you give yourself time to heal? Dear stranger, How's life for you? Do you live? Or just breath? A.V

A Moment

The raag Jhinjhoti hums softly in my ear, While the santoor of the evening  gently plays in my mind. Before me, fluid mechanics lie open, The queue of questions long and winding, Yet my thoughts, like a wandering stream, drift astray. The warmth of the setting sun  creeps into the chilled room, Its rays sneaking through gaps, To rest softly upon me, as though meant for me alone. But October's chill has arrived The waters, like the air, have grown cold. Still, there is calm in this coolness, And the sun’s touch thaws my little frozen self. Though winter’s breath may be icy, I find warmth in its depths. A sparkle lights my eyes, Serenity fills my heart. Nd while all study deeply,  I take a moment to think. How peaceful this little time is. An excite takes over as I wait For winters warm winds flow. A.V

A Return to Kindergarten

The rain falls steadily, not soft but persistent. We argue over small things, our words tinged with panic. Yet, our eyes still shine with innocence, Laughter escapes as the rain gently kisses my face. For a fleeting moment, he and I are back in kindergarten, Carefree and unburdened, even just for a little while. A.V "He was convincing me to eat chole kulche while we were standing under the still raining rain.”

A Drive

Drizzle falls like whispers of snow, Grey clouds above, a gentle glow. The roads reflect the world’s slow dance, While cold winds nudge me in a trance. I drive, but barely feel the wheel, Lost in thoughts too deep to heal. Eyes blurred with tears, they fall, they flow, But the face remains, a silent show. Cars rush by, the world moves fast, Yet here I stay, the moment lasts. The heart, it aches, the mind resists, Yet sorrow in this rain persists. Under clouds, beneath the grey, I drive through winds that seem to say: Keep moving, though you're far away, Lost in the storm, but not to stay. A.V

A Moment

It has been a long day, it's 3 AM. Coming home from a party with a friend. It's spring, not too warm, not too cold, but flowers are in full bloom. In the night, insects fill the serene air around us. Warm streetlights shine from above, bringing comfort to our hearts. Her white cotton kurti swayed, teasing my hands. Her hair rested, carrying the scent of roses. She hopped from foot to foot with elegance, her heels tapping the ground silently. The bangles ringing calmly as her hands flowed.     My hand felt a cold drop. My gaze moved toward my hand, then to her face. Her eyes glistened under those warm streetlights. She hurriedly wiped away the lost trails, sniffling. Then, giving a serene smile with big teardrops hanging from each eye, soft as petals, her peach lips said, "Sorry... just give me a moment," chuckling in between.     Her face turned away from me, swinging those silver earrings. She kept weeping, yet tried to hide all the tears. Sometimes I wonder if I had

Endearing Rain

Lights out, darkness reigning  over the whole room, Midnight, mind still thinking. A memory Shoon deep blue. Tears flowed before notice. Body feels the chills, and  the heart aches. The next moment, pitter patter  Heard my ears. And thunder roared. Wind teased the curtains. Cuddled with a quilt, I tightened My embrace. Holding the pillow, Close to heart. nd feeling the rain Pat my soul endearing. When sleep took over, don't know. When the tears dried I don't know. But I know, The scar still aches.  A.V