
Showing posts from September, 2022

Moment (Last exam, Completed, Winds)

Last Exam Exam is Done Plenty of time remains Endless tries of improving  answers, have failed. Weather continues to remain  cool blue, contrasting with the open grass fields and trees. The peaceful winds dissolving, in our exam hall. Not a bird in the sky I guess, they rest in their nests, lazily. Sound dissolves The ambient sounds of stationary, pages, and whispers is filling the room. Heads turning, right and left, in  search for answers. Sloth, roaming in the hall ambiance, falling from the skies along, serein of sorrow. A.V   

Moment (Golden hour, Dark, Mystical)

Golden Hours The horizon of the sky has worn a deeper hue of blue. Plants are still asleep.  All that roams in the air, are the  guessing sounds of wind, and songs of insects. The deep dark hours feel magical. The way, the wind lightens you from  sorrows. The way, songs dissolve in the air  Undisturbed times and the mystical  realm of dreams. This comforting mystical silence, fills our hearts.  A.V

September Skies

September Skies    It's cold outside, I  can see the air, that come's out of your chest your hands are still warm and, your lips, soft as the winter sun. we cuddle under the rug over, the pastel grass, laying down, taking in the clear September skies. These September days, Just you and I. It rains, it storms, but  we make, each other warm. Forehead kisses and arms around souls. So fragile, so delicate, yet we glow like fireflies The leaves are almost gone, in these September days. We get lost, we drift away, like a voyager beneath September skies. Just you and I. Just you and I, beneath September skies, laying over the velvet grass, letting our bodies pat each other, being lost in each other's souls. Just, you and I......., Just you and I.......... A.V