Ministry of Chai and ISL

I was in the “Ministry of Chai” a cozy cafe around 6 to 7 PM. 

I parked the scooty and stepped inside. Ordered an Adkrak Chai and sat down beside an empty round table. Engrossed by my own thoughts, I started reading Mritunjay, facing all the other customers.

A couple of pages flew past the eyes, as the chai reached my table. Songs dissolved in the air. As I cool the chai, I see an adult couple mingling. A family in the distance, and a group of deaf people in front. I sipped the chai, and the warmth brought with it the realization of cold. With it came the realization of how silent the conversation of deaf people really is. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw how the facial expressions changed. I observed how they interacted. Trying to understand their signs was like trying to catch a moving metro. Even though I had learned the basics of ISL from Youtube, it was still hard to understand what they were conversing about. The body language and the expression were the only things that gave a holistic understanding of the conversation. Sometimes they would make fun of each other, teasing and laughing, feeling bliss. Sometimes their smiles reached my table. only Lakshman would see me occasionally observing them. He would gaze towards my side, just for a few seconds, then break it with a jerk. Seconds passed, minutes passed, and my eyes just dropped a few tears without a sign and without reason. I felt the dusk rising, the cozy and aesthetic lights popping on the warm corners of the room.  

They would have become habitual of people just staring, watching, and observing them right? I once saw 2 girls signing in ISL in an auto. That's when I decided to learn ISL. Got a hang of some basics, but actually conversing in ISL is still a long shot. 

Seeing them live, laugh and love, fills my heart with warmth even more than the chai. Seeing how they attract the attention of others. It's like seeing something you have only heard or read in the tales of legends.

I pondered upon the possible way I could interact with them. Shall I take a copy and pen and just go in front of them and say, “Can I join you guys ?” or, shall I first sign them from my seat, shall I disturb them in the first place? Shall I leave this opportunity? Will they make fun of me? An hour passed pondering upon this dilemma. 

They started leaving, and my mind said, the longer you ponder, the longer you think, the heavier your legs become, and the more you stutter. I jumped out of my seat, with a blank mind. I followed the group outside, then taped the shoulder of one, and signed “What is your sign name?” The other person took out the phone, and typed, “Pradeep” “how do you know Sign language?”.I typed “I learned a little from youtube.” He asked what is my name? I signed “Vinay”. He signed something, but I didn't understood. He elaborated and I answered “Yes I am alone here, studying” “Where do you live?” He asked, “Pilikhoti” I typed.

He caught the attention of others and asked me to sign my name. Then I asked, “What are all of your names?” one of them reached for his phone, but Deepak interrupted and said, sign your name to him. He signed “Lakshman”, others also signed but I only understood half-half, I should have signed “again”. Then after exchanging Insta handles, we shook hands and said goodbyes. 

The sweet interaction made me feel bliss. The smile won't go off my face. But I will say that my heartbeat was high, and my hands were shaking at the start. Their acceptance and understanding eased off that feeling just as Curd relives the spiciness. 

I guess you don't usually randomly find people who know sign language. That makes sense why Depakak was excited and maybe a little shocked. 

They left, and it was dark, so I also packed my stuff. I visit this place regularly, to study between tuitions. I asked, Ankit Bhaiya, the person at the counter. Do the deaf people come here regularly? He answered, “Yes, they come here every 2 or 3 days”. Then after a bit of conversation, I left, with a handshake, and a core memory. With a motivation to fully learn ISL. 


  1. Well I came here through discord, yea the sky server,
    Must say your writing is good.


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