keshav I am not what you think, I am not what you see, I am not what you hear about me. I am nobody in everybody, I am an accountant of your doings, I am to be found nowhere, yet I am everywhere. I can help someone by becoming someone's hands, I can see someone by becoming someone's eyes, I can say something by becoming someone's tongue, I can go anywhere by becoming someone's legs. I can be everything to someone, or nothing to someone. Some of you may hate me, or doesn't believe in me, or love me, belief in me. Whatever the case, I will love you, protect you, heal you. My dear child, you are precious to me . . . I can only direct you, the choices are yours, the actions are yours, so are the consequences, yours and yours alone. I have many names, I can see everything, I know the entirety of everything. I am not what you think, I am what you believe . . . I am what you believe in . . . A.V