Dear Traveller?
What should a traveler love?
Who should a traveler love?
Adventure? Or
What would a traveler like?
Who would a traveler like?
The sweet fruits?
The bitterness of life?
Who should a traveler love?
Adventure? Or
What would a traveler like?
Who would a traveler like?
The sweet fruits?
The bitterness of life?
Why travel?
Why be a gypsy?
Out of need? Or
out of circumstances?
What should a traveler love?
Who should a traveler love?
A person? Or
A personification?
Is it Courtship?
Is it romance?
Is it solitude?
That the traveler seeks?
Is it experience?
Is it perspective?
Is it knowledge?
What does the traveler seek?
Is it a mountain?
A land?
Or is it life?
What does the traveler travel?
Is it life, is it self
You seek.?
Is it life, you travel
Dear traveler?
Are you a hopeless romantic?
Then why do your eyes seek love?
Is it the love of Krishna you seek?
Is it the melody of flute you search?
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